Java Fundamentals


Java is most popular and widely accepted programming language.

as on date (19 Aug 2016) market share of java programming is around 24% followed by python(13.2%), PHP (10.4%) and so on (source

It is developed by sun microsystems around 1996 later sun microsystems is acuired by oracle corporation. It is mostly used for developing application software

It is also used for programming embedded devices and mobile phone It is rarely used for stand alone application It works on variety of platforms like windows, linux, solaris, etc

Many successful software are developed using java programming language


Java is programming language and platform 
Java is high level , robust, secured and object oriented programming  language. It is most commonly used programming language now days

It is used to develop software which can run on variety devices. Initially c, c++ was very popular and mostly used languages by the programmer. with invention of internet and changing environment c, c++ could not full fill the programming requirement 

Java invented around 1995 and becomes one of the most accepted and used language by the programmer. Complicated can be very easily developed using java

Java program can be run on any platform so programmer can develop software without considering the underlying platform

Famous mobile platform android is also based on java. Highly secure software like banking software can be easily developed using this programming language


It was started by green team
Green team members wanted to develop language for digital devices but later focus was towards internet programming 

Now a days it is used for internet programming ,mobile devices, games, etc

James gosling,  mike sheridan, and patrick naughton started java project. team is called green team 

Java is island in Indonesia 
It is not short form but instead name itself.

Now a days billions of devices are using java on it. Initial java release was in 1995

thanks ..


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