Advance Java Servlets tutorial

Java Advance Servlets tutorial

Servlet is a program that runs inside JVM on web server. It is utilized for creating dynamic web applications which are used further for various uses. 

Before we continue further lets comprehend what is dynamic web application? A web application can be depicted as assortment of website pages (for example a site) and when we call it dynamic, it just implies that the website pages are not same for all the clients, pages would be created on server side dependent on the solicitation made by client(user's program). 

The fundamental distinction among static and dynamic page is that static page as name proposes stays same for all clients anyway a unique page changes dependent on the solicitation from customer (client's program). For instance, consider a web application that gives both of you input fields and an include button and when you enter two numbers and snap include, it shows you another website page that has the consequence of expansion of two numbers, this web application is dynamic in nature as the subsequent page that shows you the outcome changes dependent on the client input, it isn't static for all clients. 

Anyway you can say that what a servlet cans be finished by CGI (Common Gateway Interface), well its actual yet here is the thing – CGI has a few impediments, for example, execution, adaptability, reusability and so on that a servlet doesn't have. I won't talk about CGI in detail yet I am going to let you know, how a servlet is better than CGI.


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