Evolution of java

Over the period of time java has evolved with many versions. Every version is trying to add new features in it. Complete evolution is given below

1] JDK alpha beta(1995)

2] JDK 1.0(23rd Jan 1996)

3] JDK 1.1(19th Feb 1997)

4] J2SE 1.2(8th Dec 1998)

5] J2SE 1.3(8th May 2000)

6] J2SE 1.4(6th Feb 2002)

7] J2SE 5.0(30th Sep 2004)

8] Java Se 6(11th Dec 2006)

9] Java Se 7(28th Jul 2011)

10] JAva Se 8(18th March 2014)


It is available in the different types as per the requirement of the application It is available in the three forms they are preferred as java platforms

1] J2SE

It is nothing but java 2 standard edition it is known as core java most basic and standard version of java IT is foundation for the rest of edition mostly used to create desktop application It contains all fundamentals building blocks of language like variable, data types, control statement, array ,etc

2] J2EE

It is java 2 enterprise edition most of the java application are designed in the j2ee useful in creating applications like web application, web services and networking. It is also referred as advanced java 

3] J2ME

It is java 2 mobile edition it is used for embedded devices like mobile. Application developer needs to consider mobile limitations like limited processing power  battery backup small display etc. many libraries and API  used form J2SE only 


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