JAVA Features

simple syntax of language is very simple to use as compared to other programming languages
platform independent It is operating system and hardware independent. it is possible due to java byte code though jvm is dependent, byte code is platform independent and because of which java is considered as platform independent language
secured It is most secured language because it does not provide the pointers. security is added at the different layers jvm verifies the byte code means another level of security is added 
robust It means strong it uses very  efficient memory management it does not provide pointer so avoids security problems automatic garbage collection is supported by java
portable java application can be installed on any device without any change
multi thread to utilize the processor power, multi threading is supported java
distributed distributed applications development is possible using java File access through internet is possible
dynamic memory allocation to object of class is dynamic
interpreted java byte code is translated on the fly to native machine instructions and it is not stored anywhere


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